Classic Christmas Parade set for Dec. 15 on Main St.

Things are really heating up for Christmas on this first week of December! Between the tree lighting at the courthouse, the Living Windows Walk,Fill the Ambulance, Breakfast with Santa and other activities, there is sure to be one thing or another that will get you in the holiday spirit. One of my favorite Christmas pastimes is attending a classic Christmas parade. Nothing quite beats the lights, crowds, happy announcers, and Santa bringing up the rear with his, “Ho, ho, hos” and “Merry Christmas!”.
If this is also a holiday tradition for your family, pull out your coats and gloves, because the Johnston County Chamber of Commerce will be hosting the Johnston County Christmas Classics Parade on Saturday, December 15th at 6:00 p.m. on Main Street in Tishomingo!
Santa is very excited to be here on the 15th, but the Grinch, who hates Christmas,he is not! Come see Santa and the Grinch during the parade and at Landmark Bank for ‘Selfies with Santa’ immediately following. Parents can take their own pictures of family with each Christmas icon, plus amongst Whoville decorations in the bank.
Area citizens have been asking for the switch back to a night parade for several years, so we are very optimistic about a great crowd coming out this year. You’ll see lighted entries from groups like the Johnston County EMS, Tishomingo Funeral Home, and the Stephens Media Group (local radio stations), plus our law enforcement and volunteer fire departments. The Johnston County Commissioners will be lending a hand to judge this year’s parade and bestow the travelling trophy. Thank you to Chamber board member, Randy McCollom, and our friends at the Johnston County Courthouse for giving us a hand with announcing the parade.
Anyone is welcome to submit an entry form – there are no requirements and no fees to participate! Please go to and look for Johnston County Christmas Classics Parade on the calendar to find information and the parade entry form or call 580-371-2175.
Published in the Dec. 6-12 edition of the Johnston County Sentinel.