Notes from Women’s Biz – February 28, 2018
This week at Women’s Biz Connection, Kelby Owens from REI Oklahoma gave a general overview of marketing online and I wanted to share my notes. I also wanted to say that March’s meeting will focus on getting into the apps that there are questions about and solving the problems and answering the questions that business owners have. I am a Google Local Guide, so we will talk briefly about Google Maps and making sure that your business is listed and located in the right place so that customers can find you; Carrie Bailey from 405 Magazine will be here to discuss gearing up for summer marketing and learning about the opportunities there are through their publications; then we will jump into Facebook, Instagram and others to look at your pages and see what is missing, what questions you have for making social media work for you, and more. I also want to make sure that there is ample time for announcements and discussion.
Marketing is getting the right message to the right people – that’s it Customers have a problem that needs solved, that’s why they are looking for your products or services.
What are you trying to solve for customers?
1) What are the customer’s problems?
2) How does that problem make your customer feel?
3) Why is it just plain wrong?
Think about them rather than talking about yourself. Offer the solution to their problem through marketing.
Create a Call To Action – as these offer solutions to the problem
– Call us for guidance, Call us for a new look
– Let’s find a way forward, Let’s talk, Let’s get you rolling
– Open the door to your new home, Open the door to her heart
– Buy now, Brew now, Shine now
– Create an image for your business that is clear
– There is a ton of information competing for your customer’s attention
– Stick with it!
Social Media
– The price is right
– Maintain an active storefront
– What is the ROI or ROTI (Return On Time Invested), as time is a business owner’s most valuable resource
Simple Ideas For Success
– If they won’t buy it, give it away. If you can’t give it away, find a new product.
– Gather business cards and send an email, a thank you, ask for suggestions
– Coupons and refer-a-friend works
– Be business savvy or Google it
– Reinvent the wheel
– Do the same things over and over expecting different results
Thank you for reading and please let me know if you have any suggestions for topics to discuss at monthly meetings! Let’s learn together!