Silver+ Saturday – Apex Clean Energy & Landmark Bank
Wind Energy Helps Control Your Electric Bill
For a wind energy project to be successful, there must be a buyer for the power it will produce.
Generally, this electricity is purchased by utilities, manufacturers, universities, or municipalities that demand large amounts of energy.
These large-scale customers buy wind power because:
- Unlike coal, gas, and other fuels, the cost of wind doesn't change. The fuel for wind energy is free.
- Once a project is built, the cost of producing energy remains constant, so power purchase contracts “lock in” a predictable, steady rate for 20 to 25 years.
- Wind energy is clean, reducing pollution and helping states meet renewable energy goals.
In many locations, the cost of wind power is already competitive with other energy sources. In fact, in some parts of the country, consumers are saving significant sums of money because utilities are buying power from wind energy projects.
“Wind prices are extremely competitive right now, offering lower costs than other possible resources, like natural gas plants.”
— Dave Sparby, Regional CEO, Xcel Energy
Don’t giftwrap your info for fraudsters!
No one wants to believe it can happen to them, but identity theft isn’t something that only happens to other people. In fact, identity theft is a widespread problem that affects millions of Americans each year. While this may sound unsettling, you can rest assured that Landmark Bank protects your personal information with advanced safety features that give you greater security and peace of mind. There are also many ways you can protect yourself from fraud by taking some simple, common sense measures, including:
- Guard your numbers — Never give out your Social Security number or bank account numbers over the phone unless you initiate the call and know the person or organization on the other end.
- Beware of phishing scams — Phishing targets email users with a variety of ploys to try to gain access to sensitive information. If you receive an email asking for personal information, even if the email seems legitimate, never click on a link in it. Instead, call to verify the source named in the email. And check for subtle clues that something's amiss, such as a URL that seems unrelated to the purported sender, or an email attachment that contains the extension ".exe," which is used for an executable file. It may contain a virus.
- Store safely — Cancelled or new checks should be stored in a safe place. Do not carry your Social Security card, passport or birth certificate with you. Keep them in a secure area, such as a fire safe box or safe deposit box.
- “Free” trial offers aren’t always free – Some free trial offers give you more than you expect and it can cost you lots of money until you cancel. The Federal Trade Commission offers tips to be an informed consumer while you consider the offers you see.
- Review bills carefully — If your bill or statement includes suspicious charges, investigate them immediately to head off any possible fraud.
- Review credit reports — Periodically request your credit report and verify the information is correct. As part of the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act, you are entitled to an annual free credit report from each of the three nationwide consumer reporting agencies through Annual Credit Report or by calling (877) 322-8228.
- Report immediately — Call Landmark Bank immediately to report lost or stolen Landmark debit or credit cards.