Silver+ Saturday – Murray State College & Chickasaw Nation

Silver+ Saturday posts are to spotlight our members who go above and beyond to contribute to the work of the chamber through membership and sponsorships. Silver+ members make an annual investment of $500 or more; below are our Diamond members that pay $2,500+ per year. Thank you for learning more about them below!


Aggies All IN: Returning to Campus (Click for Details)

We are looking to the future and the reopening of our campus.  With the safety of all in mind, we have developed a detailed plan to protect our Aggie Family.  Our COVID-19 Task Force has been hard at work to address issues surrounding our return, but all of us must take responsibility for our personal health and safety. Please follow the recommended guidelines – or take them a step further if your personal comfort level requires – and join together with the entire campus community as we embrace the ideal of all-for-one and one-for all.

Student Guidance

Information for students applies to ALL Murray State College students while on campus.  Even if you’re taking online classes, a trip to the Bookstore would put you in the middle of campus.  Please be mindful of your responsibility to yourself and others in the Murray State College campus community.  Your continued support and participation in our efforts to keep campus safe is appreciated.


Guidance for MSC Employees

Most MSC employees will be returning to campus in the fall.  However, some may be working remotely with the permission of supervisors.  Supervisors will continue to address timelines and work responsibilities.  However, if you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, please notify your supervisor and seek guidance from healthcare professionals.  Do not travel to campus if you have fever or other symptoms.  Seek out medical treatment and notify your supervisor.


For further details on the Returning to Campus Guidelines and Safety Measures, click the link above.


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