Chamber schedules healthy living posts on Facebook page
You may or may not have noticed a post on our Facebook page a few weeks ago promoting the site, The Best You in Johnston County, which when clicked led to a list 51 self-care ideas. I was a part of the creation of the site, with most of the input coming from friends Karen Lee and Laura Wood, all Johnston County residents. One of the Chamber’s many goals is to promote and improve the health of area citizens. I felt that it was part of my job to be involved and still do; therefore, every other Thursday at 5:00 p.m. you will see posts on the Chamber’s Facebook page that lists exercises you can do in the workplace, or quick and healthy lunch recipes, or how to reduce stress, etc. Yesterday’s post was on finding healthy food options in-county. We want to be a part of creating healthy communities in Johnston County. We’ve taken steps to be more conscientious by switching to keto-friendly lunches for Women’s Biz Connection, offering healthy options at all public meetings, and I now stand at my desk for at least half of the day (for movement and productivity, check it out if you haven’t considered it!). Please let us know if you have other ideas and watch for our healthy living posts!
– Jordyn Frazier
“You build trust with others each time you choose integrity over image, truth over convenience, or honor over personal gain.” – John Maxwell