Johnston County-Wide Yard Sale signups end Monday, April 29th at 5:00 p.m.

Good morning, Johnston County! Join in on the first county-wide yard sale weekend and draw a shopping crowd to your community! Register your sale with the Chamber of Commerce by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, April 29th! We would love to see sales in every town throughout the county – the more registered sales, the more draw you will have in your community. The more draw you have, the more potential sales tax dollars will be spent there from other purchases, like drinks and a snack at the local convenience store. Registration only costs $5 and that goes straight toward the cost of the ad in the Johnston County Sentinel listing the addresses of the sales next week. If you don’t think people will want to drive to your home, or perhaps it is difficult to find on Google Maps, talk with your town about having it in a public place on your Main Street or at a business. Help one another. For those that aren’t planning on selling anything, make sure to get out and visit each location in the newspaper ad! You never know what you will find! Contact Jordyn Frazier with questions at 580-371-2175.